The ERC CoEvolve Team

Visit our laboratory website to get more info on the entire team and all our activities!

Alessia Bastianoni Alessia Bastianoni


Geochemist with a PhD in soil ecology focused on soil Fe, C and P biogeochemical cycles, R wizard, microbiologist in training

Angela Cordone Angela Cordone


Antarctic enthusiast, microbiology lover, keeps the team going and the project on track

Bernardo Barosa Bernardo Barosa

PhD Student

Microbiologist and aspiring bioinformatician interested in shallow-water hydrothermal vents, climber and wannabe master of the Italian language

Deborah Bastoni Deborah Bastoni

PhD Student

PhD student at the University of Naples Federico II

Donato Giovannelli Donato Giovannelli

Principal Investigator

Microbial Ecologist and Entrepreneur working on the microbiology of extreme environments. Professor of Microbiology at the University of Naples Federico II were he works on the coevolution of Life and Planet, passionate about everything, expert in nothing, happy to chat about anything. Donato is the Principal Investigator of the ERC CoEvolve project.

Elena Panariello Elena Panariello

Master Student, Science communicator

Science communicator, my mission is to make people curious about science and ultimately reveal its secrets

Feliciana Oliva Feliciana Oliva

PhD Student

Interested in the diversity and distribution of extremophiles

Francesco Montemagno Francesco Montemagno

Graduate Assistant

Passionate about nature and outdoor, shark whisperer and newbie arctic explorer

Jacopo Pasotti Jacopo Pasotti

Outreach and visual storytelling

Photographer, journal and science communicator along for the ride with the CoEvolve team to tell th story behind the project. He is the author of almost all pictures and videos in this website

Luca Tonietti Luca Tonietti

PhD Student @ Uni Parthenope

PhD student in Astrobiology at the University of Naples-Parthenope, skater, musician, professional wave function surfer, vulcanophilic scientist. Passionate about geology, chemistry, wildlife photography and science communication

Luciano di Iorio Luciano di Iorio

Lab Manager

Technophile, instrument wizard and homebrewer master managing the new geobiology laboratory infrastructure

Martina Cascone Martina Cascone

PhD Student

Interested in the diversity and distribution of hydrogenases, acting as CoEvolve project manager